MILLIE'S STORY is an original story, written in 2021and now in 2022 it is being performed with original music and songs by Annie Sheppard

Thank you to all the participants who made this online workshop so enjoyable.

Thank you to everyone who came to the first telling of the newest version of Lost to the Sea on Wednesday at the Roebuck at Wych Cross, and to Chris and Maria who invited us to perform it at their monthly storytelling circle. It was a lovely evening and we really appreciated the generous feedback.

My latest collaboration is with Alex Sandys, called Lost to the Sea.
See 'Current Projects' for the performance dates so far.
One of our memorable performances of 'The Kingdom of the Sea' was an afternoon spent at the home for Blind Veterans just outside Brighton.
On April 21st Sian and I will be performing our latest story 'The Kingdom of the Sea' at the Jukebox Theatre at the Iron Duke,Brighton. Tickets are available from www.sweetvenues.com
Learn the sacred art of Shamanic Journeying. Karen smith and I are running a course at Evolution Arts. 7-9pm on Friday evenings from February 24th 2017. For more information and to book a place go to http://www.evolutionarts.org.uk/shamanic-journeying-course-brighton
On Friday December 9th the Firefairy Storytellers will be telling more tales at the Iron Duke pub.
Jonathon Haines and other musicians will provide songs and tunes to get our feet talking. Kick off is 7.30 for 8pm
On Saturday October 8th 2016 Firefairy Storytellers are holding an evening of short stories and music at the Iron Duke pub in Brighton. We are all storytellers who met at the International School of Storytelling in Forest Row, Sussex. We will be telling stories to 'delight and inspire'!
Sometimes you may feel the world is overwhelming and wonder what you can do. Inspired by a short story that arrived in my inbox a few weeks ago I
have written a song called 'Starfish'.
I have been collaborating with musician Jon Haines. He too has written a new song. It is called Chalk Hill Blues, and we have recorded both songs together.
August 2015.
We are excited about our latest project, inspired by the stories we heard at this year's Festival At The Edge.
Sian and I are creating a new story with music.
It is the story of three generations of women
who have become disconnected from themselves
and eachother, uprooted and unanchored.
As they journey to reconnect, nature and the wild
landscape of the Jurassic coast becomes their guide.
We will incorporate a third aspect for this project,
using a backdrop of projected images created by photographer Roger LLewellyn Williams.
Secret shore Songs Workshops-, a project by
the the South Downs Society.
I am joining a host of singers in Shoreham,
to learn traditional sea shanties from this area.
For more information visit their
website at http://www.southdownssociety.org.uk
Check out an ongoing project run by the
Underfall boatyard in Bristol. Volunteers are
collecting stories from people who worked at,
or have memories of the boatyard. As themes begin to emerge, they may reveal how they
might form a larger story.
The aim is to create an interactive story with music that will be performed at the new
visitor centre that is being developed.
In December 2014 we performed our winter story called ‘Dark Beira’ at the Open House, Brighton.
Beira was the Mother of all the gods and goddesses in Scotish mythology. She was a one-eyed giantess who built the mountains of Scotland using a magic hammer.......
Siân and I were invited to put together a collection of environmental stories for ShamaniCamp, a weekend festival in Devon in August 2014
We performed these stories throughout the weekend,
combining them with ceremony, ritual and dancing.
We were asked to create a programme of short stories with music, as part of an outdoor evening of music, story and poetry organised as a charitable fundraising event in Worthing.Despite the rain we all
had a great time inbetween the showers.
The first story created in collaboration with Siân was
Svetlana, a folk tale from Georgia, which we performed
at the Iron Duke in Brighton during the Christmas
festivities of 2013.Svetlana sets out on a journey wearing stone shoes, to search for a cure for her brother who has been struck down with an illness for many months. Our story was followed with songs and music from guest musicians, including Gordon from Ded Effnic, Ian Tracy and Jon Haines.
Siân and I performed our first story and music together
to the elderly residents of the Star and Garter care
homes, as part of their social programme.
(October 2013)
All photos, images and music are copyrighted
and can not be used without permission

'Starfish' by Annie Sheppard
'Chalk Hill Blues' by Jon Haines